Source code for tslumd.common

import enum
from typing import Tuple, Iterable

__all__ = ('TallyColor', 'TallyType', 'TallyState', 'MessageType', 'TallyKey')

[docs]class TallyColor(enum.IntFlag): """Color enum for tally indicators Since this is an :class:`~enum.IntFlag`, its members can be combined using bitwise operators, making :attr:`AMBER` a combination of :attr:`RED` and :attr:`GREEN` This allows merging one color with another >>> from tslumd import TallyColor >>> TallyColor.RED <TallyColor.RED: 1> >>> TallyColor.GREEN <TallyColor.GREEN: 2> >>> TallyColor.AMBER <TallyColor.AMBER: 3> >>> TallyColor.RED | TallyColor.GREEN <TallyColor.AMBER: 3> .. versionchanged:: 0.0.4 Bitwise operators """ OFF = 0 #: Off RED = 1 #: Red GREEN = 2 #: Green AMBER = RED | GREEN #: Amber
[docs] @staticmethod def from_str(s: str) -> 'TallyColor': """Return the member matching the given name (case-insensitive) >>> TallyColor.from_str('RED') <TallyColor.RED: 1> >>> TallyColor.from_str('green') <TallyColor.GREEN: 2> >>> TallyColor.from_str('Amber') <TallyColor.AMBER: 3> .. versionadded:: 0.0.5 """ return getattr(TallyColor, s.upper())
[docs] def to_str(self) -> str: """The member name as a string >>> TallyColor.RED.to_str() 'RED' >>> TallyColor.GREEN.to_str() 'GREEN' >>> TallyColor.AMBER.to_str() 'AMBER' >>> (TallyColor.RED | TallyColor.GREEN).to_str() 'AMBER' .. versionadded:: 0.0.5 """ return
def __str__(self): return def __format__(self, format_spec): if format_spec == '': return str(self) return super().__format__(format_spec)
[docs]class TallyType(enum.IntFlag): """Enum for the three tally display types in the UMD protocol Since this is an :class:`~enum.IntFlag`, its members can be combined using bitwise operators. The members can then be iterated over to retrieve the individual "concrete" values of :attr:`rh_tally`, :attr:`txt_tally` and :attr:`lh_tally` >>> from tslumd import TallyType >>> list(TallyType.rh_tally) [<TallyType.rh_tally: 1>] >>> list(TallyType.rh_tally | TallyType.txt_tally) [<TallyType.rh_tally: 1>, <TallyType.txt_tally: 2>] >>> list(TallyType.all_tally) [<TallyType.rh_tally: 1>, <TallyType.txt_tally: 2>, <TallyType.lh_tally: 4>] .. versionchanged:: 0.0.4 Added support for bitwise operators and member iteration """ no_tally = 0 #: No-op rh_tally = 1 #: :term:`Right-hand tally <rh_tally>` txt_tally = 2 #: :term:`Text tally <txt_tally>` lh_tally = 4 #: :term:`Left-hand tally <lh_tally>` all_tally = rh_tally | txt_tally | lh_tally """Combination of all tally types .. versionadded:: 0.0.4 """ @property def is_iterable(self) -> bool: """Returns ``True`` if this is a combination of multiple members (meaning it must be iterated over) .. versionadded:: 0.0.5 """ if self == TallyType.all_tally: return True return is None
[docs] @classmethod def all(cls) -> Iterable['TallyType']: """Iterate over all members, excluding :attr:`no_tally` and :attr:`all_tally` .. versionadded:: 0.0.4 """ for ttype in cls: if ttype != TallyType.no_tally and ttype != TallyType.all_tally: yield ttype
[docs] @staticmethod def from_str(s: str) -> 'TallyType': """Create an instance from a string of member name(s) The string can be a single member or multiple member names separated by a "|". For convenience, the names may be shortened by omitting the ``"_tally"`` portion from the end ("rh" == "rh_tally", etc) >>> TallyType.from_str('rh_tally') <TallyType.rh_tally: 1> >>> TallyType.from_str('rh|txt_tally') <TallyType.txt_tally|rh_tally: 3> >>> TallyType.from_str('rh|txt|lh') <TallyType.all_tally: 7> >>> TallyType.from_str('all') <TallyType.all_tally: 7> .. versionadded:: 0.0.5 """ if '|' in s: result = TallyType.no_tally for name in s.split('|'): result |= TallyType.from_str(name) return result s = s.lower() if not s.endswith('_tally'): s = f'{s}_tally' return getattr(TallyType, s)
[docs] def to_str(self) -> str: """Create a string representation suitable for use in :meth:`from_str` >>> tt = TallyType.rh_tally >>> tt.to_str() 'rh_tally' >>> tt |= TallyType.txt_tally >>> tt.to_str() 'rh_tally|txt_tally' >>> tt |= TallyType.lh_tally >>> tt.to_str() 'all_tally' .. versionadded:: 0.0.5 """ if is None: return '|'.join(( for obj in self)) return
def __iter__(self): for ttype in self.all(): if ttype in self: yield ttype
[docs]class TallyState(enum.IntFlag): OFF = 0 #: Off PREVIEW = 1 #: Preview PROGRAM = 2 #: Program
[docs]class MessageType(enum.Enum): """Message type .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ _unset = 0 display = 1 #: A message containing tally display information control = 2 #: A message containing control data
TallyKey = Tuple[int, int] """A tuple of (:attr:`screen_index <.Screen.index>`, :attr:`tally_index <.Tally.index>`) to uniquely identify a single :class:`.Tally` within its :class:`.Screen` """