Source code for tslumd.messages

import asyncio
import dataclasses
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import enum
import struct
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict

from tslumd import MessageType, TallyColor, Tally

__all__ = (
    'Display', 'Message', 'ParseError', 'MessageParseError',
    'DmsgParseError', 'DmsgControlParseError',

[docs]class ParseError(Exception): """Raised on errors during message parsing .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ msg: str #: Error message value: bytes #: The relevant message bytes containing the error def __init__(self, msg: str, value: bytes): self.msg = msg self.value = value def __str__(self): return f'{self.msg}: "{self.value!r}"'
[docs]class MessageParseError(ParseError): """Raised on errors while parsing :class:`Message` objects .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ pass
[docs]class DmsgParseError(ParseError): """Raised on errors while parsing :class:`Display` objects .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ pass
[docs]class DmsgControlParseError(ParseError): """Raised on errors when parsing :attr:`Display.control` data .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ pass
class Flags(enum.IntFlag): """Message flags """ NO_FLAGS = 0 #: No flags set UTF16 = 1 """Indicates text formatted as ``UTF-16LE`` if set, otherwise ``UTF-8``""" SCONTROL = 2 """Indicates the message contains ``SCONTROL`` data if set, otherwise ``DMESG`` """
[docs]@dataclass class Display: """A single tally "display" """ index: int #: The display index from 0 to 65534 (``0xFFFE``) rh_tally: TallyColor = TallyColor.OFF #: Right hand tally indicator txt_tally: TallyColor = TallyColor.OFF #: Text tally indicator lh_tally: TallyColor = TallyColor.OFF #: Left hand tally indicator brightness: int = 3 #: Display brightness (from 0 to 3) text: str = '' #: Text to display control: bytes = b'' """Control data (if :attr:`type` is :attr:`~.MessageType.control`) .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ type: MessageType = MessageType.display """The message type. One of :attr:`~.MessageType.display` or :attr:`~.MessageType.control`. * For :attr:`~.MessageType.display` (the default), the message contains :attr:`text` information and the :attr:`control` field must be empty. * For :attr:`~.MessageType.control`, the message contains :attr:`control` data and the :attr:`text` field must be empty .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ is_broadcast: bool = field(init=False) """``True`` if the display is to a "broadcast", meaning sent to all display indices. (if the :attr:`index` is ``0xffff``) .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ def __post_init__(self): self.is_broadcast = self.index == 0xffff if len(self.control): self.type = MessageType.control if self.type == MessageType.control and len(self.text): raise ValueError('Control message cannot contain text')
[docs] @classmethod def broadcast(cls, **kwargs) -> 'Display': """Create a :attr:`broadcast <is_broadcast>` display (with :attr:`index` set to ``0xffff``) .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ kwargs = kwargs.copy() kwargs['index'] = 0xffff return cls(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dmsg(cls, flags: Flags, dmsg: bytes) -> Tuple['Display', bytes]: """Construct an instance from a ``DMSG`` portion of received message. Any remaining message data after the relevant ``DMSG`` is returned along with the instance. """ if len(dmsg) < 4: raise DmsgParseError('Invalid dmsg length', dmsg) hdr = struct.unpack('<2H', dmsg[:4]) dmsg = dmsg[4:] ctrl = hdr[1] kw = dict( index=hdr[0], rh_tally=TallyColor(ctrl & 0b11), txt_tally=TallyColor(ctrl >> 2 & 0b11), lh_tally=TallyColor(ctrl >> 4 & 0b11), brightness=ctrl >> 6 & 0b11, ) is_control_data = ctrl & 0x8000 == 0x8000 if is_control_data: ctrl, dmsg = cls._unpack_control_data(dmsg) kw['control'] = ctrl kw['type'] = MessageType.control else: if len(dmsg) < 2: raise DmsgParseError('Invalid text length field', dmsg) txt_byte_len = struct.unpack('<H', dmsg[:2])[0] dmsg = dmsg[2:] txt_bytes = dmsg[:txt_byte_len] dmsg = dmsg[txt_byte_len:] if len(txt_bytes) != txt_byte_len: raise DmsgParseError( f'Invalid text bytes. Expected {txt_byte_len}', txt_bytes, ) if Flags.UTF16 in flags: txt = txt_bytes.decode('UTF-16le') else: if b'\0' in txt_bytes: txt_bytes = txt_bytes.split(b'\0')[0] txt = txt_bytes.decode('UTF-8') kw['text'] = txt return cls(**kw), dmsg
[docs] @staticmethod def _unpack_control_data(data: bytes) -> bytes: """Unpack control data (if control bit 15 is set) Arguments: data: The portion of the ``dmsg`` at the start of the "Control Data" field Returns: bytes: remaining The remaining message data after the control data field Note: This is undefined as of UMDv5.0 and its implementation is the author's "best guess" based off of other areas of the protocol .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 :meta public: """ if len(data) < 2: raise DmsgControlParseError('Unknown control data format', data) length = struct.unpack('<H', data[:2])[0] data = data[2:] if len(data) < length: raise DmsgControlParseError('Unknown control data format', data) return data[:length], data[length:]
[docs] @staticmethod def _pack_control_data(data: bytes) -> bytes: """Pack control data (if control bit 15 is set) Arguments: data: The control data to pack Returns: bytes: packed The packed control data Note: This is undefined as of UMDv5.0 and its implementation is the author's "best guess" based off of other areas of the protocol .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 :meta public: """ length = len(data) return struct.pack(f'<H{length}s', length, data)
[docs] def to_dmsg(self, flags: Flags) -> bytes: """Build ``dmsg`` bytes to be included in a message (called from :meth:`Message.build_message`) """ ctrl = self.rh_tally & 0b11 ctrl += (self.txt_tally & 0b11) << 2 ctrl += (self.lh_tally & 0b11) << 4 ctrl += (self.brightness & 0b11) << 6 if self.type == MessageType.control: ctrl |= 0x8000 data = bytearray(struct.pack('<2H', self.index, ctrl)) data.extend(self._pack_control_data(self.control)) else: if Flags.UTF16 in flags: txt_bytes = bytes(self.text, 'UTF16-le') else: txt_bytes = bytes(self.text, 'UTF-8') txt_byte_len = len(txt_bytes) data = bytearray(struct.pack('<3H', self.index, ctrl, txt_byte_len)) data.extend(txt_bytes) return data
def to_dict(self) -> Dict: d = dataclasses.asdict(self) del d['is_broadcast'] return d
[docs] @classmethod def from_tally(cls, tally: Tally, msg_type: MessageType = MessageType.display) -> 'Display': """Create a :class:`Display` from the given :class:`~.Tally` .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 The msg_type argument """ kw = tally.to_dict() del kw['id'] if msg_type == MessageType.control: del kw['text'] elif msg_type == MessageType.display: del kw['control'] kw['type'] = msg_type return cls(**kw)
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, (Display, Tally)): return NotImplemented self_dict = self.to_dict() oth_dict = other.to_dict() if isinstance(other, Display): return self_dict == oth_dict else: del oth_dict['id'] del self_dict['type'] if self.type == MessageType.control: del self_dict['text'] del oth_dict['text'] else: del self_dict['control'] del oth_dict['control'] return self_dict == oth_dict def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, (Display, Tally)): return NotImplemented return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs]@dataclass class Message: """A single UMDv5 message packet """ version: int = 0 #: Protocol minor version flags: int = Flags.NO_FLAGS #: The message :class:`Flags` field screen: int = 0 #: Screen index from 0 to 65534 (``0xFFFE``) displays: List[Display] = field(default_factory=list) """A list of :class:`Display` instances""" scontrol: bytes = b'' """SCONTROL data (if :attr:`type` is :attr:`~.MessageType.control`)""" type: MessageType = MessageType.display """The message type. One of :attr:`~.MessageType.display` or :attr:`~.MessageType.control`. * For :attr:`~.MessageType.display` (the default), the contents of :attr:`displays` are used and the :attr:`scontrol` field must be empty. * For :attr:`~.MessageType.control`, the :attr:`scontrol` field is used and :attr:`displays` must be empty. .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ is_broadcast: bool = field(init=False) """``True`` if the message is to be "broadcast" to all screens. (if :attr:`screen` is ``0xffff``) .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ def __post_init__(self): self.is_broadcast = self.screen == 0xffff if not isinstance(self.flags, Flags): self.flags = Flags(self.flags) if len(self.scontrol) and len(self.displays): raise ValueError('SCONTROL message cannot contain displays') if len(self.scontrol): self.type = MessageType.control if self.type == MessageType.control: self.flags |= Flags.SCONTROL elif self.type == MessageType._unset: if Flags.SCONTROL in self.flags: self.type = MessageType.control else: self.type = MessageType.display
[docs] @classmethod def broadcast(cls, **kwargs) -> 'Message': """Create a :attr:`broadcast <is_broadcast>` message (with :attr:`screen` set to ``0xffff``) .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ kwargs = kwargs.copy() kwargs['screen'] = 0xffff return cls(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, msg: bytes) -> Tuple['Message', bytes]: """Parse incoming message data to create a :class:`Message` instance. Any remaining message data after parsing is returned along with the instance. """ if len(msg) < 6: raise MessageParseError('Invalid header length', msg) data = struct.unpack('<HBBH', msg[:6]) byte_count, version, flags, screen = data kw = dict( version=version, flags=Flags(flags), screen=screen, type=MessageType._unset, ) msg = msg[2:] if len(msg) < byte_count: raise MessageParseError( f'Invalid byte count. Expected {byte_count}, got {len(msg)}', msg, ) remaining = msg[byte_count:] msg = msg[4:byte_count] obj = cls(**kw) if obj.type == MessageType.control: obj.scontrol = msg return obj, remaining while len(msg): disp, msg = Display.from_dmsg(obj.flags, msg) obj.displays.append(disp) return obj, remaining
[docs] def build_message(self) -> bytes: """Build a message packet from data in this instance """ if self.type == MessageType.control: payload = bytearray(self.scontrol) else: payload = bytearray() for display in self.displays: payload.extend(display.to_dmsg(self.flags)) payload_byte_count = len(payload) fmt = f'<HBBH{payload_byte_count}B' pbc = struct.calcsize(fmt) - 2 data = bytearray(struct.pack('<HBBH', pbc, self.version, self.flags, self.screen)) data.extend(payload) return bytes(data)