Source code for tslumd.receiver

    from loguru import logger
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
    import logging
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import asyncio
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Set, Optional

from pydispatch import Dispatcher, Property, DictProperty, ListProperty

from tslumd import Tally, TallyColor, MessageType, Message, Display

__all__ = ('UmdReceiver',)

class UmdProtocol(asyncio.DatagramProtocol):
    def __init__(self, receiver: 'UmdReceiver'):
        self.receiver = receiver
    def connection_made(self, transport):
        self.transport = transport
    def datagram_received(self, data, addr):
        self.receiver.parse_incoming(data, addr)

[docs]class UmdReceiver(Dispatcher): """Receiver for UMD messages Arguments: hostaddr (str): The local host address to bind the server to. Defaults to :attr:`DEFAULT_HOST` hostport (int): The port to listen on. Defaults to :attr:`DEFAULT_PORT` :Events: .. event:: on_tally_added(tally: Tally) Fired when a :class:`~.Tally` instance is added to :attr:`tallies` .. event:: on_tally_updated(tally: Tally) Fired when any :class:`~.Tally` instance has been updated .. event:: on_scontrol(screen: int, data: bytes) Fired when a message with :attr:`~.Message.scontrol` data is received * ``screen`` : The :attr:`~.Message.screen` from the incoming control message * ``data`` : The control data .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 The :event:`on_scontrol` event """ DEFAULT_HOST: str = '' #: The default host address to listen on DEFAULT_PORT: int = 65000 #: The default host port to listen on tallies: Dict[int, Tally] """Mapping of :class:`~.Tally` objects using the :attr:`~.Tally.index` as keys """ running: bool """``True`` if the client / server are running """ loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop """The :class:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop` associated with the instance""" _events_ = ['on_tally_added', 'on_tally_updated', 'on_scontrol'] def __init__(self, hostaddr: str = DEFAULT_HOST, hostport: int = DEFAULT_PORT): self.__hostaddr = hostaddr self.__hostport = hostport self.tallies = {} self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.running = False self._connect_lock = asyncio.Lock() self.connected_evt = asyncio.Event() @property def hostaddr(self) -> str: """The local host address to bind the server to """ return self.__hostaddr @property def hostport(self) -> int: """The port to listen on """ return self.__hostport
[docs] async def open(self): """Open the server """ async with self._connect_lock: if self.running: return logger.debug('') self.running = True self.connected_evt.clear() self.transport, self.protocol = await self.loop.create_datagram_endpoint( lambda: UmdProtocol(self), local_addr=(self.hostaddr, self.hostport), reuse_port=True, ) await self.connected_evt.wait()'UmdReceiver running')
[docs] async def close(self): """Close the server """ async with self._connect_lock: if not self.running: return logger.debug('UmdReceiver.close()') self.running = False self.transport.close() self.connected_evt.clear()'UmdReceiver closed')
[docs] async def set_bind_address(self, hostaddr: str, hostport: int): """Set the :attr:`hostaddr` and :attr:`hostport` and restart the server """ if hostaddr == self.hostaddr and hostport == self.hostport: return running = self.running if running: await self.close() self.__hostaddr = hostaddr self.__hostport = hostport if running: await
[docs] async def set_hostaddr(self, hostaddr: str): """Set the :attr:`hostaddr` and restart the server """ await self.set_bind_address(hostaddr, self.hostport)
[docs] async def set_hostport(self, hostport: int): """Set the :attr:`hostport` and restart the server """ await self.set_bind_address(self.hostaddr, hostport)
[docs] def parse_incoming(self, data: bytes, addr: Tuple[str, int]): """Parse data received by the server """ while True: message, remaining = Message.parse(data) if message.type == MessageType.control: self.emit('on_scontrol', message.screen, message.scontrol) else: for display in message.displays: self.update_display(display) if not len(remaining): break
[docs] def update_display(self, rx_display: Display): """Update or create a :class:`~.Tally` from data received by the server If data received is a :attr:`broadcast <.messages.Display.is_broadcast>` display, all existing :attr:`tallies` are updated .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 Broadcast support """ if rx_display.is_broadcast: for tally in self.tallies.values(): changed = tally.update_from_display(rx_display) if changed: self.emit('on_tally_updated', tally) return if rx_display.index not in self.tallies: tally = Tally.from_display(rx_display) self.tallies[rx_display.index] = tally logger.debug(f'New Tally: {tally}') self.emit('on_tally_added', self.tallies[rx_display.index]) return tally = self.tallies[rx_display.index] changed = tally.update_from_display(rx_display) if changed: self.emit('on_tally_updated', tally)
async def __aenter__(self): await return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): await self.close()
if __name__ == '__main__': loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() umd = UmdReceiver() loop.run_until_complete( try: loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: loop.run_until_complete(umd.close()) finally: loop.close()