Source code for tslumd.sender

    from loguru import logger
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
    import logging
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import asyncio
import socket
import argparse
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Set, Optional, Sequence

from pydispatch import Dispatcher, Property, DictProperty, ListProperty

from tslumd import Message, Display, TallyColor, TallyType, Tally
from tslumd.utils import logger_catch

Client = Tuple[str, int] #: A network client as a tuple of ``(address, port)``

__all__ = ('Client', 'UmdSender')

class UmdProtocol(asyncio.DatagramProtocol):
    def __init__(self, sender: 'UmdSender'):
        self.sender = sender
    def connection_made(self, transport):
        self.transport = transport
    def datagram_received(self, data, addr): # pragma: no cover

[docs]class UmdSender(Dispatcher): """Send UMD Messages Messages are sent immediately when a change is made to any of the :class:`~.Tally` objects in :attr:`tallies`. These can be added by using the :meth:`add_tally` method. Alternatively, the :meth:`set_tally_color` and :meth:`set_tally_text` methods may be used. Arguments: clients: Intitial value for :attr:`clients` """ tallies: Dict[int, Tally] """Mapping of :class:`Tally` objects using the :attr:`~Tally.index` as keys Note: This should not be altered directly. Use :meth:`add_tally` instead """ running: bool """``True`` if the client / server are running """ loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop """The :class:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop` associated with the instance""" tx_interval: float = .3 """Interval to send tally messages, regardless of state changes """ clients: Set[Client] """Set of :data:`clients <Client>` to send messages to """ def __init__(self, clients: Optional[Set[Client]] = None): self.clients = set() if clients is not None: for client in clients: self.clients.add(client) self.tallies = {} self.running = False self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.update_queue = asyncio.Queue() self.update_task = None self.tx_task = None self.connected_evt = asyncio.Event()
[docs] async def open(self): """Open connections and begin data transmission """ if self.running: return self.connected_evt.clear() logger.debug('') self.running = True self.transport, self.protocol = await self.loop.create_datagram_endpoint( lambda: UmdProtocol(self), family=socket.AF_INET, ) self.tx_task = asyncio.create_task(self.tx_loop())'UmdSender running')
[docs] async def close(self): """Stop sending to clients and close connections """ if not self.running: return logger.debug('UmdSender.close()') self.running = False await self.update_queue.put(False) await self.tx_task self.tx_task = None self.transport.close()'UmdSender closed')
[docs] def add_tally(self, index_: int, **kwargs) -> Tally: """Create a :class:`~.Tally` object and add it to :attr:`tallies` Arguments: index_: The tally :attr:`~.Tally.index` **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to create the tally instance Raises: KeyError: If the given ``index_`` already exists """ if index_ in self.tallies: raise KeyError(f'Tally exists for index {index_}') tally = Tally(index_, **kwargs) self.tallies[index_] = tally tally.bind_async(self.loop, on_update=self.on_tally_updated) logger.debug(f'new tally: {tally}') return tally
[docs] def set_tally_color(self, index_: int, tally_type: TallyType, color: TallyColor): """Set the tally color for the given index and tally type Arguments: index_: The tally :attr:`~.Tally.index` tally_type: A member of :class:`~.common.TallyType` specifying the tally lamp within the display color: The member of :class:`~.common.TallyColor` to set """ if tally_type == TallyType.no_tally: raise ValueError() if index_ not in self.tallies: tally = self.add_tally(index_) else: tally = self.tallies[index_] attr = setattr(tally, attr, color)
[docs] def set_tally_text(self, index_: int, text: str): """Set the tally text for the given index Arguments: index_: The tally :attr:`~.Tally.index` text: The :attr:`~.Tally.text` to set """ if index_ not in self.tallies: tally = self.add_tally(index_) else: tally = self.tallies[index_] tally.text = text
async def on_tally_updated(self, tally: Tally, props_changed: Sequence[str], **kwargs): if self.running: logger.debug(f'tally update: {tally}') await self.update_queue.put(tally.index) @logger_catch async def tx_loop(self): async def get_queue_item(timeout): try: item = await asyncio.wait_for(self.update_queue.get(), timeout) except asyncio.TimeoutError: item = None return item await self.connected_evt.wait() while self.running: item = await get_queue_item(self.tx_interval) if item is False: self.update_queue.task_done() break elif item is None: await self.send_full_update() else: indices = set() indices.add(item) self.update_queue.task_done() while not self.update_queue.empty(): try: item = self.update_queue.get_nowait() except asyncio.QueueEmpty: break if item is False: self.update_queue.task_done() return indices.add(item) self.update_queue.task_done() msg = self._build_message() tallies = {i:self.tallies[i] for i in indices} for key in sorted(tallies.keys()): tally = tallies[key] msg.displays.append(Display.from_tally(tally)) await self.send_message(msg) async def send_message(self, msg: Message): data = msg.build_message() for client in self.clients: self.transport.sendto(data, client) async def send_full_update(self): msg = self._build_message() for tally in self.tallies.values(): disp = Display.from_tally(tally) msg.displays.append(disp) await self.send_message(msg) def _build_message(self) -> Message: return Message() async def __aenter__(self): await return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): await self.close()
class ClientArgAction(argparse._AppendAction): _default_help = ' '.join([ 'Client(s) to send UMD messages to formatted as "<hostaddr>:<port>".', 'Multiple arguments may be given.', 'If nothing is provided, defaults to ""', ]) def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, nargs=None, const=None, default=[('', 65000)], type_=str, choices=None, required=False, help=_default_help, metavar=None): super().__init__( option_strings, dest, nargs, const, default, type_, choices, required, help, metavar, ) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): addr, port = values.split(':') values = (addr, int(port)) items = getattr(namespace, self.dest, None) if items == [('', 65000)]: items = [] else: items = argparse._copy_items(items) items.append(values) setattr(namespace, self.dest, items) def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument( '-c', '--client', dest='clients', action=ClientArgAction#, type=str, ) args = p.parse_args()'Sending to clients: {args.clients!r}') loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() sender = UmdSender(clients=args.clients) loop.run_until_complete( try: loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: loop.run_until_complete(sender.close()) finally: loop.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()